Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Get Ready...

Countdown to Yellowstone National Park: 9 days! I am so looking forward to this vacation. Robert has never been, so it will be nice to share this experience with him.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Day With the Seals

Robert and I have stayed close to home as of late trying to save money for our next big adventure in June - we're heading to Yellowstone National Park - but when our friends Frank and Heather wanted us to join them in La Jolla for some photography and lunch, we were there.

They are always great company and today was no exception. The day started out overcast, but by the afternoon it had burned off and the day turned out to be beautiful. We met about noon at the Children's Pool, or is the Seal's Pool now? I can never remember, but there is always some kind of drama going on.

Those in favor of the seals usually have a rope strung across the sand in hopes of discouraging people from using the beach. Today, there was a small group set up that had signs that said the beach was open. A couple of them were diving, so there were very few seals on the beach. Seeing the divers, tourists seemed to feel more comfortable crossing the line and going into the water, much to the chagrin of the seal advocates standing on the wall yelling at them to get away from the seals.

After watching that interaction for awhile, we wandered over to The Spot for a delicious lunch of street tacos (duck, lamb, and carnitas) and a bratworst burger w/garlic fries. We took a few pictures as we window shopped, but mostly we just enjoyed hanging with our friends.